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Born: January 26, 1950
Lived in Portsmouth for 48 years
Wayne E. Oliveira
Specialist 5
Commendations: See details
Served During:
Vietnam War,
Served In:
- US Army

National Defense Service Medal; Vietnam Service Medal; Vietnam Campaign Medal; Meritorious Unit Commendation; Army Commendation Medal; Bronze Star Medal; 3 Overseas ____; Sharpshooter M-14; Expert M-16.
Co A 5th Trans Bn 101st Avn Div. The 5th Transportation Battalion(Aircraft Maintenance) was a unit that served with great distinction supporting the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) both in Vietnam and at Fort Campbell, KY. This unit was augmented with the attachment of the 507th Transportation Company, which was a unit organic to the XVIII Airborne Corps, and which had billets for fixed wing aircraft maintenance personnel. This battalion set the high standards that were later adapted Army wide as the accepted practices in Army Aircraft Maintenance procedures.