Francis Thomas Best Jr.

Born: August 19, 1933
Died: September 27, 2016

Lived in Portsmouth for 45 years

Francis Thomas Best Jr.


Commendations: See details

  • Air Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Air Force Outstanding Unit Award

Served During:

Korean War, Taiwan Conflict, Vietnam War,

Served In:

  • US Air Force
Air Force Good Conduct Medal
Air Force Good Conduct Medal
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award


Air Force Outstanding Unit Award w/3 Oak Leaf Clusters Department of the Air Force Special Order GB-569 1968; Air Force Good Conduct Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters; AFM 900-3

Tech Sergeant. Served in the Presidential Squadron for Air Force 1 for the terms of President Johnson, President Nixon, and President Ford.