Harry G. Johnson

Died: July 17, 2012

Lived in Portsmouth for 36 years

Harry G. Johnson

Lieutenant Colonel

Commendations: See details

  • Air and Space Longevity Service Award
  • Air Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
  • Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
  • Armed Forces Reserve Medal
  • Army Good Conduct Medal
  • National Defense Service Medal

Served During:

Korean War, Lebanon/Grenada, Vietnam War,

Air and Space Longevity Service Award
Air and Space Longevity Service Award
Air Force Good Conduct Medal
Air Force Good Conduct Medal
Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal

Commendations: Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Small Arms Expert Pistol, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Air and Space Longevity Service Award, Air Force Good Conduct Medal.

Mr. Johnson served in the Army during the Korean War, then joined the Air Force and served 30 years with the 152nd Tactical Control Group of the NY Air National Guard, retiring as Lt. Col. He was a systems engineer and programmer for IBM, Federal Systems Division for 33 years. After his retirement, he volunteered for the Town of Portsmouth for a number of years as Communications Officer.